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I like languages, and not just programming languages. During this holiday I’ve started to learn toki pona[1]. Of course using #emacs and #orgmode.

There is a flashcard package for Emacs akin to Anki: org-fc[2]. It allows you to practice flashcards with spatial repetition, so you spend less time on the easy stuff and practice the harder items more often.

An #orgmode heading can be turned in a card with a single command. The heading is one side, the body the other side. A card can be practiced in one direction but optionally also the other direction as well. For learning a language I typically practice in both directions. There is another card type for clozes (blanks) and the package can be extended with custom card types. All card administration is recorded inside each heading with properties and a drawer with things like ease and due date. That makes the Org file with cards self-contained.

When reviewing, all administration is updated automatically based on your own judgment (easy, good, hard, again and suspend). Just start a review and spend a few minutes per day to process your backlog.

Your review steps are recorded in a separate TSV file in your Emacs config directory, in order not to pollute your cards directory. I chose to store it along with my cards nevertheless, so I can track the cards and review steps with `git’ and sync the data with other machines. So the dashboard (see screenshot) with stats and progress looks the same everywhere.

Unfortunately org-fc is not available on MELPA but with some `git’ proficiency easy to install. Here is my config:

│ (defconst my/flashcards-directory “/home/bram/cards”)

│ (use-package org-fc
│ :after org
│ :ensure nil
│ :load-path “path/to/org-fc”
│ :custom
│ (org-fc-directories (list my/flashcards-directory))
│ (org-fc-review-history-file (expand-file-name “org-fc-reviews.tsv” my/flashcards-directory)))



org-fc dashboard.
org-fc dashboard.
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