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Here’s my take to link to JIRA items easily from #orgmode.

First, register your instance as a link type:

(add-to-list 'org-link-abbrev-alist ("JIRA" . ""))

So [[JIRA:PROJ-1234][PROJ-1234]] links to your JIRA instance. But it’s still some typing, even worse, with the org-insert-link command you need to enter the ticket number twice.

Tempel to the rescue. This template prompts for the ticket once (or uses the region if you marked a ticket number) and creates an org link:


(jira "[[JIRA:" (r "Ticket: " ticket t) ticket "][" ticket "]]")

Obviously, you can repurpose this to any link type / search engine.

Note I’m using the NOINSERT flag for the (r …) form, so the ticket is queried from the minibuffer instead of inline typing. Otherwise, a bug in the org-element cache is triggered if Tempel inserts the ticket number in multiple places at the same time.


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